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Featuring DeLisa Treshelle

Welcome Delisa, introduce yourself to our readers!

I am an author, inspirational speaker, manuscript delivery coach, and prophetic artist. I was born and raised in Shreveport, La. I recently relocated back to my hometown after living in Baton Rouge for many years following my separation from the military. I help others write and self-publish their God-given book ideas through my book writing company. I am also the creator and head artist at Ordained Canvas LLC, an art company where I create personalized, prophetic art pieces. My goal is to provide Mental & Emotional therapy to others using writing & art. Uncovered Through Christ is an up-and-coming ministry that will house both companies and provide support to the homeless in the areas of housing and employment. The Uncovered Through Christ Podcast is available on the Apple Podcast app. With God as my center, I use my past experiences to help others remove the blockages preventing them from walking in their calling.

Let’s hear more about your journey as an author and your book.

Around 2017, I was running a blog entitled Uncovered Through Christ. About a year later, God started giving me downloads for books. At the time, I didn't know which one to write first because He'd given me so many. However, after seeking Him, it was revealed to me that I had to start with my childhood. Childhood Scars was born from a revelation I received—before I could start helping others, I had to “become uncovered" myself.

Childhood Scars is the first book from my memoir series entitled: Uncovered Through Christ. I had to revisit my childhood to understand where the roots of rejection and abandonment issues began. Homosexuality, incest, an addiction to porn, and having sexual encounters outside of marriage left me ashamed and confused. However, facing my trauma head-on allowed me the ability to start my healing process. My story is a testament to God's grace and his unconditional, undeniable love.

Describe the shift your life has taken now that you are an author.

Becoming an author has been a dream come true. It has changed my life in such a profound way, and it continues to do so. Authorship has overturned years of fear that I battled behind closed doors. I learned that everything I was praying for lay on the other side of that fear. It has shown me that other people needed my story and I needed it for myself as well. My healing process began through writing this book. The process was painful, but now I have a beautiful delivery to share with the world.

You mentioned that what you were praying for lay on the other side of your fear. How did you get to the other side?

Fear was a true stronghold in my writing process. Because God was calling me to share so many deep and dark places, I naturally feared because I didn't understand that there was greater on the other side. I felt shameful and unworthy. It was a process, and it took me three years to officially complete my book. Each time I would start, I'd go into these places of being tormented by the enemy in regards to my past and who I was in Christ. My biggest fear was how others would take it. Sharing a pornography addiction and being infected with sexually transmitted diseases was not something I ever wanted to reveal. I overcame it through prayer and fasting.

There was a period of 30 days where I sought God and was able to complete the first draft of my manuscript. It took intercession from others and me actually allowing people into my space. I first shared the introduction from my book in a community I am a part of called The Society w/ Tatum & Keviah. The founder, Tatum Tamia from the Blessed & Bossed Up podcast, really created a safe space. Once I joined, I was able to trust others with what I'd held on to for so long. The ladies prayed with and for me, went into intercession on my behalf, and just encouraged me until I made it to the finish line.

What a testimony, Delisa. What would you say to aspiring authors that want to write, but are not sure where to begin?

The advice that I would give aspiring authors is: "Your Words Matter." They truly do! Your story matters! There are others waiting on your voice and your sound. Also, there is another version of yourself that is dying to be birthed. Through your pen, you will find solace and peace like no other. How would your life be if it were free from restrictions? That is what book writing does for you. It removes the limitations that were falsely placed on you by yourself and others. There is nothing like becoming a published author. God has chosen you for a reason–share your story.

Share how our readers can support you and connect with you.

I can be reached at the following links.



Instagram: @delisatreshelle, @uncoveredthroughchrist, & @ordainedcanvas


Clubhouse: @delisatreshelle

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